Day 15 of 21 – Advocacy #DisruptTheGap

I wasn’t competitive for the win in swimming or softball as a young girl. At least, that’s the story that’s been told in my family for decades. The truth is, I likely didn’t believe in myself or possibility. I was a good swimmer, really good, and I didn’t have the inner drive or the coach to champion me to excellence, becoming my best in these sports.
Tonight I greeted nearly 50 people who came to an event for a group I’m very involved with in the school district—Key Communicators. When the Leadership Team began planning and preparations, the title, “Champion for our Children” came to me. This afternoon, I finished the program, knowing our fantastic team works together as advocates with expertise, and we could offer an evening of excellence for a diverse group of people, from students to elected officials, about public education on the Kenai. Our young people are learning to fail forward, and live with a growth mindset, becoming world class problem solvers or solution seekers, in contrast to world class test takers. In the “Politics and Advocacy” station rotation I co-facilitated with the Superintendent, I circled around to the power of what grabs our attention, and how our personal storytelling can evoke action.  We listened to each other. Ground zero to become an advocate and champion for an issue, policy change, legislation, or altering or restorative conversation starts when someone or something matters to us, and we risk stepping into, or even disrupting the gap.
What issue or problem grabs your heart of care or attention, and won’t let go? Is an invitation to new learning, conversation, or action gaining momentum within you?
It’s been many full, long days with work, this #DisruptTheGap writing and actions in the house, being present with my animal family, sticking to Clean—now 11 days with no sugar, flour, dairy, or alcohol (couldn’t let go of French pressed coffee in the morning with cacao powder blend), construction project, and professional certification class studies and learning.
There is so much to celebrate every day. I am in need of sleep, and this Labrador curled up to my left is so content, happily snoring, heating my leg. I know, at this age, that a calling I have in life is to be an advocate and champion for hope and possibility, and be present to young people. I have a gift to see multiple perspectives, and as I reflect upon our world we inhabit, there is more and more need for us to learn to champion each other to excellence, and stand with and for each other with a growth mindset. This may be one of my least favorite posts in this 21 day process since I’m rambling and my inner editor isn’t kicking in, and ironically, it is one that is truly showing me how to #DisruptTheGap. We must champion ourselves, and one another. The world needs our differentiation and growth, our voice, care, and heart. May we trust this in ourselves, and each other.

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