My favorite description of contemplation is a “long, loving look at the real.” I heard this first from William McNamara, OCD, a teacher who inspired me to live with intention, purpose, vigor, and passion.
National Geographic posted a photograph tip on Facebook tonight:
Photo Tip: Adventure photography leads to lots of thrilling images. But remember to also watch for those moments of contemplation that can happen when the adventurer pauses to reflect on his extraordinary experience.
The moments of pause … time when I breathe deeply and see, taking a “long loving look at the real” are the times when I grow (and groan) in appreciation, connection, empathy. When do these types of moments occur for you?
Photography intrigues me. I once dated a photo-journalist, and seeing the world through his eyes helped me understand ways we communicate and perceive. My horizons were opened to different perspectives.
I’m saving for a better digital camera now, and want to snap the details of the landscape where I live–there is wildness and hidden beauty in Alaska. It is a contemplative practice for me to see through the eyes of my camera.
Join me, and glimpse light, time, wonder, moments, and composition–the world–through these photographs from National Geographic. Treat yourself. Each can be a contemplative pause. Delight. Notice what is evoked in you!
Simply Beautiful Photographs by Annie Griffiths